CallScripter Hosted Service

CallScripter offer a hosted service that comprises a dedicated VM Server per customer within Amazon's EC2 infrastructure and an installation of CallScripter 4.5 or Synergy. This offering is designed for customers with smaller user-counts (typically under 100) who do not wish to provision and manage their own server, SQL, and Windows instance.

This hosted service is offered separately from any core product support and any customisation support purchased.

Note: the term "Server" is used to refers to the VM instance, and "Service" refers to the CallScripter 4.5 or Synergy system deployed on the Server.



  • Single dedicated VM instance within Amazon's EC2 shared infrastructure environment.
  • VM Server backups are taken every four hours, and stored for five days within the Amazon EC2 infrastructure. These are a snapshot of the Server environment and the Service elements at that time. Allowing full restore of the Server and Service to that moment should it be required.
  • Access to the Service can be locked down to specific customer IPs at firewall level if desired.
  • The Server is scanned and secured based upon the results from a third-party scanning tool.
  • Administrative access to the Server is restricted to CallScripter offices at firewall level.
  • The Server is monitored by a third-party product to alert when key resource metrics are triggered.
  • The Service is monitored by an internal tool to log an alert to CallScripter Support should it become unavailable and to record high-level response speed. Logged events are monitored during office hours.
  • CallScripter Support staff carry out monthly Server maintenance outside of the client's primary operating hours to deploy windows updates, security fixes and general housekeeping.


  • Direct customer box access to Windows or SQL is generally not available, and where offered may have additional costs and require limitations on support.
  • The Service provision is designed around the specified intended usage patterns. Should these patterns change, service provision may require expansion and incur associated costs.
  • The Service is not offered at a PCI compliant level.
  • Amazon EC2 provides VM host resilience within a single availability zone, however the Service offered is not resilient and resides upon a single Server.
  • 24/7 Service usage isn't recommended on this grade of service provision due to lack of redundancy. Server and service maintenance would also require scheduled downtime.
  • No guarantee of Service availability or compensation is offered. Service downtime typically is around 0 for defined usage hours and the Server's up-time is governed by Amazons EC2.
  • Scheduled data deletion of legacy script data may be required to maintain system performance.


These details were last updated on 19th April 2017, and are subject to change. All details are provided for indicative purposes and are non-binding.