Outbound Agent Handles Queue
To allow an agent to manage their own queue/call list and see records that have been assigned to them, you will need to follow the steps below....
Navigate through ‘Campaign Management’, ‘Outbound Manager’ and choose the campaign from the left hand side of the screen.
Select ‘Operator chooses’, ‘Agent handles queue’ and click ‘Save’.
Below is an example of how the Outbound Desktop will look when set up as above.
When the call list is active, the agent will have the following view
Click here to enlarge
The calls listed are those that have already been assigned to the logged in user. You can view the date and time calls have been rescheduled for and any comments associated with them.
To run these calls, double click on the record.
To get the next default record in the queue, single click ‘Run Next Record’.
Edit and Save details within the Outbound Manager
Stage 1
Click here to enlarge
Select the agent to assign the record to and click 'Save'.
Stage 2
Click here to enlarge
Select a date and time to reschedule the call and click 'Reschedule Call'
Please note: Both stages must be actioned before the record is updated
Article ID: 184, Created: November 12, 2008 at 12:34 PM, Modified: July 17, 2017 at 11:32 AM